#729 Why People Lie on Their Career Resume


SEGMENT‌ ‌1 with ‌Stacie Haller,‌ ‌‌starting‌ ‌at‌ ‌0:00‌:‌ ‌ ‌How many resumes do small business owners see that contain outright lies? Stacie Haller is here to share survey results that may surprise you. What can we do to verify candidates’ information and mitigate lying in the hiring process?

SEGMENT‌ ‌2 with ‌Faisal Hoque,‌ ‌‌starting‌ ‌at‌ 18:30:‌ ‌ How can we embrace change and improve our collective future with technology and innovation? Faisal Hoque is here to share his experiences leading companies through transformational journeys.

SEGMENT‌ ‌3 with David Dennis,‌ ‌‌starting‌ ‌at‌ 37:45:‌ ‌It’s a person’s ability to live beyond the inevitable problems and pains that can allow us to reach our fullest potential. David Dennis s here to help us get unstuck in our mindset to become our ideal and most fulfilled selves.

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Visit Barry’s Blog for complete show notes.

8 months ago

#change, #fulfillment, #hiring, #innovation, #interviewing, #potential, #resume, #small_business, #success, #technology

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