#731 How What You Eat Fuels Your Business Success


SEGMENT‌ ‌1 with Julia C. Rock,‌ ‌‌starting‌ ‌at‌ ‌0:00‌:‌ ‌ ‌How do you go from an accomplished athlete to a business career when your playing days are over?

SEGMENT‌ ‌2 with Diane Yoo,‌ ‌‌starting‌ ‌at‌ 17:30:‌ ‌The environment for raising money has certainly changed since April 2022. What are VCs looking for now especially if you are an entrepreneur of color?

SEGMENT‌ ‌3 with Mary Beth Albright,‌ ‌‌starting‌ ‌at‌ 34:00:‌ ‌ People are always emphasizing exercise as a key to stay healthy. But we also need to understand that what you feed your body is equally as important. Which foods support our emotional well-being?

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Visit Barry’s Blog for complete show notes.

8 months ago

#athlete, #diet, #entrepreneur, #food, #health, #mental_health, #small_business, #vc, #venture_capital

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