Inside The accelerator: Considered Capital

Are you seeking an alternative funding route for your impact-focused business? Then Considered Capital’s Alternative Funding School could be for you. 

In the last of our Inside the Accelerator series we speak with founder Esme Verity, who talks us through the six-week virtual cohort-based programme. Their focus is on providing practical insights and a supportive community, empowering entrepreneurs to navigate the diverse landscape of alternative funding sources. 

With over 97% of previous participants recommending the programme, this accelerator is revolutionizing the way startups approach fundraising, breaking away from the conventional VC mould, and encouraging founders to think outside the box for a funding fit that aligns with their values. Read on.

Tell us about your accelerator?

The Alternative Funding School is here to raise funding confidence across the globe. From the seed of a business idea to startups hitting a funding wall, we will help founders navigate the alternative funding landscape regardless of business model or sector. So far, since November 2020 200 founders from over 19 countries have joined our Alt Funding School and 97% would recommend it to a founder friend. 

Our six-week virtual cohort-based programme helps impact-focused founders find the right funding fit. We put all the funding opportunities in one place, allowing you to find the best funding route for you and your business. It’s a crash course in raising alternative funding and is perfect for those searching for the right way to fund their business on their terms. 

We provide practical, hands-on support for founders raising mission-aligned funding. You’ll be working alongside other founders on the same path and hear from our funding experts live, who’ll show you which alternative path they took and how they succeeded. We’re lifting the veil on where all the alternative funding is and how to access it.

What do you mean by ‘feel good fundraising”?

For the last five years, I’ve been working with thousands of founders to connect them to the right sources of funding and support. I found early on that when founders aren’t shown all the funding options available; they can quickly hit a brick wall with their business. This can create a blocker, not only to the business moving forward but to a founder’s confidence.

So I built Considered Capital to support founders to feel more confident and to think outside the box when going after what they need to build a successful business. Raising money can feel like a long, complicated slog. But with education and a community of brilliant minds and supportive energy, founders feel like they’re in this together and reinforce one another’s confidence. 

So far, we’ve empowered thousands of founders to think beyond VC style funding and consider other funding routes. Our mission is to open up alternative funding and the world of funding options available for startups, founders and socially-led businesses. We are determined to challenge the notion that Venture Capital is the only way to fund your business and teach everyone to find a funding fit that aligns with their values and to feel confident to go and get it.

What is the selection process for startups joining the program?

We only run one cohort a year, and each cohort is carefully curated to ensure there is synergy among the founders. Therefore, we only have founders/people running businesses inside the school and have a carefully designed recruitment process. 

The first step for any founder interested in participating is to complete our application form, where we ask you more about your business, your stage and why you’re interested in participating. If you’re accepted, you’ll then receive an email inviting you to join the cohort. 

What is the duration of the program? 

Our school has been shaped with busy founders in mind. Over six weeks, you’ll invest two to three hours of your time per week and learn everything you need to know about raising alternative funding. 

What is the structure of the program and what do you provide in terms of resources and support for startups?

Our six-week alternative funding school is a crash course in raising alternative funding. This includes:

1) Funding Knowledge 

  • Six weekly live sessions where you can ask questions directly to me and our funding experts. Available both live and on-demand
  • Lifetime access to a library of video content featuring me and other expert speakers on wide-ranging funding topics.
  • A selection of practical worksheets, tools & guides, including a Global Funding Directory that will save you hours of work
  • Case studies of innovative companies and their financing structures
  • Weekly exercises to hold you accountable and turn thought into action
  • Discounts on selected specialist services and fundraising platforms 

2) Online Community

  • Our exclusive community where you can meet, ask questions and share knowledge with supportive and likeminded social entrepreneurs
  • An online digital space built just for your cohort 
  • Self-organised pods based on similar interests for peer learning, brainstorming and accountability.
  • An active alumni community of 150 founders who meet monthly
Startups should join my accelerator because…

We welcome anyone and everyone from all walks of life who want to find the right funding fit. Whether you’re new to fundraising or have already raised some initial investment, we have something for you.

We have condensed hundreds of hours of research and thousands of pounds of consulting time into a 6-week course. If you’re considering fundraising in the next 6-12 months and think that venture capital isn’t right for you, this will be the best investment you’ll make. 

Join the world’s largest angel investment network, where global angel investors meet the great businesses of tomorrow.

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