Workshop out to inspire positivity

Is life amidst the Covid-19 pandemic leaving you feeling exhausted and emotionally deflated?

The Dunedin Coaches Network may have solutions.

The organisation is holding a community workshop called “Stepping Into Your Power” on Saturday, August 1, which aims to help Dunedin residents “reclaim their power”.

Event co-ordinator Ainee Cha said from her personal experience as a coach, she had found quite a number of people across the city who were feeling traumatised by the Covid-19 lockdown and its repercussions.

“A lot of the time, it is not the circumstances that hold us back, it’s how we feel about what has happened.

“The intention of this event is to provide some tools for people to feel inspired and make positive life choices.

“As coaches, we felt this is something we could do, to pay it forward.”

A large group of life coaches would be at the Dunedin City Library’s Dunningham Suite between 1pm and 3.30pm on August 1, to provide inspiration and life-affirming advice.

The speakers included Pleasance Hansen, Robyn Vintiner, Kim Charteris-Wright, Joanna Budai, Daphne Wells, Julie Woods and her.

They would speak about the powers of intention, clarity, positivity, taking control, choice, decision, thought and emotions.

“Come along and hear from this dynamic group of Dunedin life coaches, who will inspire you to create positive change.”

Admission was by donation and proceeds would be given to the Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust, she said.

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