What Is Business Overhead Insurance? | Small Business

Business owners can protect the operations of their company by purchasing a business overhead expense (BOE) insurance policy. This insurance plan reimburses the insured for overhead expenses in the event they become disabled. Without this insurance policy, disabled business owners may not have any other option to save their company.


  1. A BOE policy pays for the everyday operations of a business if a primarily employee such as an owner becomes disabled. Premiums for BOE insurance policies can be written off as a business expense, however any benefit payments are considered taxable income. The payments are then used to pay business expenses that are tax deductible. Also business owners should consider the fact that three out of 10 workers will become disabled at some point during their working years, according to the Social Security Administration.

What BOE Insurance Plans Do Cover

  1. BOE insurance plans cover overhead expenses, such as employee salaries, employment tax and benefit costs, rental payments on equipment and property, and the principal and interest on mortgaged business property. The policy can also cover the company’s utility payments, property taxes, legal and accounting fees, general office supplies and business insurance expenses.

What BOE Insurance Policies Won’t Cover

  1. BOE insurance policies do not cover the salaries of business owners, employees brought in to replace the disabled insured, family members, partners or employees that do the same work are also not covered. For example, doctors in a practice cannot have their salaries paid for if another doctor becomes disabled. Also BOE plans do not pay out a flat rate for covered expenses as the costs can fluctuate month to month. Instead policies are paid out monthly up to the policy’s monthly coverage limit.


  1. A BOE insurance policy starts to kick in once the business owner has suffered an injury or sickness that leaves him disabled and unable to work. Overhead expenses that are incurring during the business owner’s time of disability are eligible for reimbursement. Before business owners are to receive benefit payments from their BOE insurance policies, they must satisfy an elimination period that is typically 30 to 60 days.


  1. Although BOE insurance policies work similar to personal disability plans as they both classify the same sicknesses and injuries as disabilities, and require the insured to satisfy an elimination period, there is a difference. A business owner who is permanently disabled can purchase a personal disability plan that can pay him up to age 65. However, a BOE insurance plan cover costs for up to two years. If the disability is scheduled to last longer, the only other options may be to sell or let the business dissolve.

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