Sen. Ossoff Launches Inquiry into Lengthy Wait Times for VA Appeals Decisions

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff is pressing the VA for answers on unacceptable wait times to access veterans’ benefits.

Today, Sen. Ossoff launched an inquiry with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) into excessive delays with the VA Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA), which decides whether or not veterans are entitled to claimed veterans’ benefits and services.

Sen. Ossoff is demanding answers from the VA on what is causing lengthy delays for decisions and why there is a lack of communication with veterans on their pending benefits claims.

“Our veterans have earned efficient and effective service from their government,” Sen. Ossoff wrote to VA Secretary McDonough. “Waiting years to appeal for — let alone receive — benefits to which they may be entitled betrays the sacred compact we make with those who wear the uniform and undermines faith in our institutions.”

Sen. Ossoff continues to advocate on behalf of Georgia’s veterans and their families.

Last week, Sens. Ossoff and Mike Braun (R-IN) led a bipartisan coalition of 20 Senators in a follow-up inquiry to the National Archives of the United States (NARA) into the backlog of veterans’ record requests, requesting updated information on the status of reducing the backlog of record requests.

Two weeks ago, Sens. Ossoff, Mike Braun (R-IN) and Thom Tillis (R-NC) introduced a bipartisan amendment to the Senate’s Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill that would help expand breast cancer screenings for veterans.

This summer, Sens. Ossoff and Joni Ernst (R-IA) passed their bipartisan Investing in VETS Act as part of this year’s National Defense Authorization Act to help service-disabled veteran business owners compete for Federal government contracts, helping expand their business opportunities to new markets.

Last year, Sen. Ossoff gave a passionate floor speech on the importance of protecting and delivering care to veterans through the historic PACT Act.

Click here to read Sen. Ossoff’s inquiry.

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