How This Will Affect Your Small Business

Listen to “#‌748 You Will Own Nothing: How This Will Affect Your Small Business” on Spreaker.

On‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode‌ ‌of‌ ‌The‌ ‌Small‌ ‌Business‌ ‌Radio‌ ‌Show…‌ ‌

The World Economic Forum shared their top eight predictions for 2030 and one of them was “you will own nothing and be happy.” How could this be? Carol Roth is here to help interpret what this means for small businesses.

Carol Roth is a “recovering” investment banker; entrepreneur; TV pundit and host; speaker; economic, business, and financial commentator; content developer; and New York Times bestselling author. Her books include The Entrepreneur Equation, The War on Small Business, and now, You Will Own Nothing: Your War with a New Financial World Order and How to Fight Back.

Here is what we talk about with Carol:

  • Why large corporations want to rent you the American Dream and big tech wants you to make your life filled with subscriptions or services!
  • Why every war doesn’t bring about a new financial world order, but every new financial world order has been preceded by war.
  • How wealth comes from ownership, so we should be encouraging more, not less (that includes owning your own business)! Unfortunately, Carol believes we are encouraging less ownership by having to share or rent everything in your life and business.
  • Carol describes the Federal Reserve’s role in debasing the currency, the current banking crisis and other matters accelerating the global financial shifts.
  • How just over a decade ago, there was no meaningful institutional capital in the single-family homes market; but by Q4 2021, 18% of all single-family homes purchased were by big corporate buyers and how that trend is continuing.

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Courtney Gilcrest is Barry’s Marketing Manager. She manages promotion for The Small Business Radio Show.

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