#668 How the Pandemic Has Affected Women in the Workforce


SEGMENT 1 with Liz Elting, starting at 0:00: This pandemic has unequally put more pressure on women in the workplace. Here to talk about why women now face even more challenges than men and what can help is entrepreneur, business leader, and philanthropist Liz Elting.

SEGMENT 2 with Ben Argov, starting at 20:30: Supply chain disruption is affecting businesses across every size and industry. What can companies do to better manage their supply chain in this environment so that it doesn’t affect

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SEGMENT 3 with Victoria Jones, starting at 36:30: One of the tools that every small business needs is a customer relationship management (CRM) system. Too often in small businesses, customer data lives in the owner’s head or the minds of their salespeople. This will severely limit your organization. What are the key elements for implementing a simple CRM that your organization will actually use?

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about 1 year ago

#crm, #customer_relationship_manageme, #entrepreneurship, #inventory, #pandemic, #sales, #small_business, #supply_chain, #tools, #women, #women_at_work, #zoho

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