40 Under 40: Eliah Thanhauser is the CEO of a business that’s mushrooming

Significant professional accomplishment: Growing a company with a mission I care about from a tiny mushroom farm, in a garage in Westbrook to become a national leader in mushroom cultivation supplies with over 70 employees. North Spore helps people around the world grow mushrooms and engage with the mycological world. I also still work with three of my best friends from college and those friendships have strengthened over the years and not imploded which I feel is an accomplishment.

Passion project: A passion project I haven’t really started yet but intend to is helping create better public access to shoreland in Maine. That’s right coastal land owners, I want to help you share your land with the public.

Audacious goal: To win the 2024 Damariscotta Pumpkinboat Regatta, motorized division with a mycelium inspired pumpkin boat.

Favorite quote: “A person’s success in life can be measured by how many uncomfortable conversations they are willing to have.” — Tim Ferris

Influential book: “The Alchemist,” by Paulo Coelho

Favorite movies/TV shows: “Breaking Bad,” “Pulp Fiction”

How do you recharge: I recharge by gardening and working on projects or being by the ocean, surfing, sailing, swimming, boating, kayaking and wing foiling. I love almost anything involving being in or near water.

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