#636 Can A Son Lead His Mother’s Business When She Sells Exclusively to Women?

SEGMENT 1 with Chris Cicchinelli, starting at 0:00: How do you grow a $1M business your mom started and take it to $350M? Chris Cicchinelli joined his mother’s business when she asked him for help growing her female-centric company. But what made him think he could be successful? And how did he actually do it?

SEGMENT 2 with Kevin McArdle, starting at 17:00: Some of the hottest businesses are the ones that operate on a subscription model, such as many software as a service (SAAS) businesses

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SEGMENT 3 with Tiffany Hughes, starting at 35:45: Divorce under any circumstances is a messy and ugly thing. But it gets worse when you have a small business and you’re divorcing your business partner or your business partner is your spouse. Tiffany Hughes is here to help small businesses navigate these messy challenges, and hopefully prevent them from happening in the first place.

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