#600 The Best Sources for Small Business Financing for Minority-owned Businesses


SEGMENT 1: It has traditionally been very difficult for minority entrepreneurs to find financing for their business. So where can they turn now during this pandemic when their businesses need it most? Here to help is Rohit Arora, the CEO of Biz2Credit.

SEGMENT 2: One of the most important organizations that has always helped small business is SCORE. With their 300+ chapters and 10,000+ volunteers, they are there when entrepreneurs need help. Now during this pandemic, their assistance is needed

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SEGMENT 3: The COVID-19 pandemic has limited our ability to go about our normal routines. For many of us, that means a lot of our days look very similar, and that can put us into a funk! How can you fight the funk? Here to help is Coach Micheal Burt who is considered “America’s Coach”.

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3 years ago

#coaching, #financing, #funding, #funk, #lending, #loans, #mentoring, #ppp, #score, #small_business

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