#504 How to Work with a Spouse, Friend, or Family Member

Segment 1: Jason Feifer and Jennifer Miller are married, and are the authors of the new novel “Mr. Nice Guy”. Jason is the editor in chief of Entrepreneur magazine, and the host of two podcasts: Problem Solvers and Pessimists Archive. Jennifer is the author of three prior books (most recently the novel The Heart You Carry Home), as well as a journalist. 

Segment 2: Nathalie Molina Niño is the CEO and founder of BRAVA Investments, investing in high-growth, innovative businesses that deliver a measurable economic benefit to women. Molina Niño is also the cofounder Entrepreneurs@Athena at the Athena Center for Leadership Studies of Barnard College at Columbia University. She is the author of “LEAPFROG: The New Revolution for Women Entrepreneurs”.

Segment 3: Allison Maslan is a serial entrepreneur who built 10 companies to seven-figure success and beyond, including cultivating a 20-year practice as a holistic physician. Allison is also an experienced trapeze artist and the author of two #1 Best Selling books, including her newest book “Scale or Fail: How to Build Your Dream Team, Explode Your Growth, and Let Your Business Soar”.

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