#530 B2B Sales is Changing: But Not the Way You Think

Segment 1: The number one thing that small business owners struggle with by far, is sales and marketing. They either they don’t do sales and marketing at all because they are afraid, they don’t have the skills, or they do sales like a pushy used car salesman. Andy Paul has sold everything from women’s shoes to complex communications systems that sold for tens of millions of dollars. Drawing on 18 years of experience as a consultant helping CEOs transform their company’s sales efforts, and from his interviews with more than 700 CEOs, founders and world-class thought leaders on the biggest challenges facing sellers today, Andy launched The Sales House in late 2018. We show you how to amp up your sales by sharing why people are thinking about sales the wrong way, how to use sales automation software appropriately, and what you can be doing to invest in your personal development.

Segment 2: Written communication through email and over the Internet has become critical to any small business owners success….but mostly, we all suck at it. Marissa Corcoran is a copywriter and messaging strategist that helps coaches + creatives craft compelling copy that attracts clients, makes money, and creates a massive movement online. She’s also the creator of the wildly popular Copy Chat masterclass series bringing together 20+ experts in copywriting, business coaching, and online marketing. We show you how you can become more authentic and specific in your writing so you can write compelling copy that attracts clients. Every small business owner should be able to write effectively for their business.

Segment 3: Over the past 11 years, we have had a lot of people on to help small business owners grow their companies. Today, why not have a hypnotist help us? Jason Linett is a hypnotist who has hypnotized over 250,000 people. He has used the principles of rapport and modeling to track what top business performers do differently to build his own million-dollar brand. He is the author of the book “Work Smart Business”. We show you strategies from hypnosis (beyond “you are getting very sleepy…”) that can actually help you be more successful in business.

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