ABZWorks promotes youth employment in Aberdeen with employer event

ABERDEEN employers are invited to a lunch-and-learn event later this month focusing on youth employment and the support available for businesses employing young people. Organised by ABZWorks, Aberdeen City Council’s Employability and Skills service, the Employer Session aims to provide insights into apprenticeships, work experience, potential funding, and supporting young individuals entering the workforce.

This event is part of a series aimed at fostering inclusivity in Aberdeen’s recruitment landscape and enhancing job accessibility for individuals facing barriers to employment. The initiative aligns with the broader goal of creating a more inclusive city, making jobs accessible to a diverse range of candidates.

Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader, Councillor Christian Allard, emphasized the crucial role employers play in creating opportunities for young people entering the workforce. He highlighted the benefits for employers, including the opportunity to build a skilled and experienced workforce. Allard stated, “Young people bring fresh insights to businesses and have a lot of positives to offer employers, and there is a broad range of support, including funding incentives available to secure sustained and fair employment for them.”

The event, scheduled for Wednesday, November 29, from 12 noon to 2 pm at the Aberdeen Beach Ballroom, will feature speakers from bp, Skills Development Scotland, and the ABZWorks team. Employers in the city can register for this free event to gain valuable insights and network with other industry professionals.

ABZWorks offers extensive support for businesses, including seed funding for startups in partnership with Business Gateway, an Employer Recruitment Incentive Scheme, and paid work experience programs. Individuals seeking employability support in Aberdeen can contact ABZWorks through the helpline at 01224 346100, via email at abzwo[email protected], or by completing the self-referral form here.

Future sessions planned by ABZWorks will address employing individuals with convictions, disabilities, and displaced people and refugees. The initiative aims to contribute to making Aberdeen an attractive place to live, work, and raise a family by providing real employment opportunities for the city’s young population.

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