When will police brutality end? No justice yet for Breonna Taylor

In a press conference, Palmer stated: “It’s bigger than Breonna. It’s bigger than just Black lives. It’s about bridging the gaps between us and the police. It’s about bringing back the communities. It’s about just being able to stand up for each other. And there definitely shouldn’t be another Breonna Taylor.”

Palmer’s message to the community was: “You can’t get discouraged about the police still trying to do these things to discourage the community. At this point, we got to figure out how to fix this and how to heal from here.”

No charges have been laid on the officers involved in the incident, police reports were said to have been recorded incorrectly and the denial to revoke bond for one officer displays the picture of the reality for Black people in the United States. These ongoing injustices do really make you wonder if Black lives matter.

On the weekend of August 15th, 2020, across many cities in the United States, protesters chanted “Say Her Name” and awareness walks took place to keep the voices amplified in demanding equality for Breonna Taylor, not only an innocent victim killed in her domain, but also the lack of integrity in the police system to apply the law and protect citizens’ rights equally.  

Justice for Breonna Taylor is one of many examples of neglected cases of innocent killings with little to no consequences for the police officers involved. The pattern has not ceased and the community which continues to stand are now reviving the voices for those who lost them. Black Americans are encouraged to sign petitions, contact local political representatives and vote in November 2020.

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