OmniSalud program offering $0 premium to eligible Coloradoians

The number of individuals who will be able to use the program is up by 10% for 2024

The availability of financial assistance for health insurance in the OmniSalud program is being increased to 11,000 individuals in 2024.

The decision was announced Wednesday by the Colorado Division of Insurance (DOI) and represents a 10 per cent increase from 2023,

The program allows residents without documentation (including DACA recipients) and who are ineligible for federal subsidies for health insurance, to get health insurance that meets the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Those who qualify can receive financial help to make that insurance more affordable.

“Providing assistance to 11,000 people means that not only are we helping 1,000 more people than last year afford health insurance,” said Colorado Insurance Commissioner Michael Conway. “It means that we are helping more people get health care for unexpected emergencies, helping more parents get their children regular check-ups and vaccinations, and letting more people access necessary preventive care, while managing chronic conditions. It’s a positive change for individuals, our communities and our state.”

“I’m elated by the additional financial help we can offer this year. We saw an astounding response to the OmniSalud program when it launched last year, and we’re truly grateful that we can continue to strengthen this innovative program,” said Connect for Health Colorado’s Chief Executive Officer Kevin Patterson. “For those who are interested in enrolling in the OmniSalud program, I urge that you make an appointment with an enrollment expert as early as possible in the Open Enrollment Period. We have Brokers and Assisters who are ready to advise you and address any concerns and questions you may have.”

This financial assistance lowers health insurance premiums for qualifying individuals in the program to $0 per month and the plans, specifically the SilverEnhanced Savings Colorado Option plans, lowers out-of-pocket expenses.

To qualify for financial assistance, people must earn less than 150 per cent (or 1.5x) the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and be ineligible for any federal assistance for health coverage. 

Anyone interested in enrolling in the OmniSalud program can contact a certified Broker or enrollment Assister and can find help by visiting the OmniSalud Help site. 

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