Listen to Black Agenda Radio on the Progressive Radio Network, with Glen Ford and Nellie Bailey

Obama Brings More War to Planet Than Bush, Says McKinney


“Certainly, we have more war under President Obama than we had under Georg Bush,” said Cynthia McKinney, former Georgia Congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate. “Yemen and Somalia are ramping up, and the war never ramped down in Congo,” where as many as six million people have died.

Rwanda Tribunal Unjust

The international tribunal on Rwanda that has been holding so-called “genocide” trails under United Nations auspices is engaged in “selective justice,” charges Claude Gatebuke, of Friends of Congo. He maintains the tribunal focuses only on the Rwandan government’s version of events, ignoring other, non-Tutsi victims of the conflict.

Divest Dealings with Abusive Banks

The grassroots People’s Organization for Progress, in Newark, New Jersey, demands that city and state governments cease doing business with banks that abuse the home foreclosure process. “Even before the latest revelations,” said P.O.P. executive director Larry Hamm, “we’ve been saying they’ve been doing these foreclosures improperly and, perhaps, even illegally.”


BAR’s Jared Ball says it is ridiculous to believe that social media, which enriches its billionaire owners, will “also make possible the revolution that will overthrow them.”


Black Agenda Radio on the Progressive Radio Network is hosted by Glen Ford and Nellie Bailey. A new edition of the program airs every Monday at 4:00pm ET on PRN. Length: One hour.

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