21 Remote Companies with Unlimited PTO

Many people think that a dream job involves a flexible schedule with the ability to work from home. However, as more and more of the workforce works remotely, several companies have decided to stand out from the crowd by offering unlimited paid time off. Check out these remote companies with unlimited PTO.

In the past several years, companies have made a significant shift toward promoting a healthier work-life balance. The first major step in that direction was the increased opportunity (and popularity) of remote work, providing employees with more flexibility and comfort. 

Now, many companies are taking another step toward encouraging a healthier balance between work and life by adopting unlimited PTO (paid time off) vacation policies. These employers allow employees the freedom to take time off as needed, which benefits both the company and the employees.

Woman wearing headphones and working on a laptop at a kitchen counter.

What is PTO?

Paid Time Off (PTO) is a benefit from your employer that allows you to take some time away from work (ex: a vacation) while still receiving your full salary. PTO typically covers various types of absences, such as vacations, sick days, and personal days. 

Types of PTO

There are several types of PTO that you might need as an employee, including:

  • Vacation Time: This is the most common form of PTO, giving you time off to relax, travel, or spend time with loved ones.
  • Sick Days: Sick leave covers days when you feel unwell and need time to recover.
  • Personal Days: This time can be used for personal obligations, appointments, or emergencies that may arise.

How Unlimited PTO Works

With traditional PTO policies, employees earn a certain number of hours of vacation time with each paycheck. Most employees let that time build up until they have enough to enjoy some time off.

Employees with unlimited PTO don’t accrue it over time, so there’s no “bank” of time (or pre-determined number of days) to draw from. Instead, employees request as much time off as they need, and their manager approves or denies the PTO request at their discretion.

However, just like using a bank of paid time off, employees receive pay for the number of vacation days taken under unlimited PTO policies.

The Benefits of Unlimited PTO

Unlimited PTO is a huge draw for many remote employees for several reasons.

Better Work-Life Balance

An unlimited PTO policy means you can take time off without worrying about running out of paid days off. This gives you more flexibility and freedom to plan vacations, take care of personal matters, and attend important events without having to take unpaid days if you run out of paid time off. 

Mental Health

The workforce is increasingly concerned about mental health and the serious impacts that poor mental health has. As a result, employers are increasingly prioritizing mental health because it helps the employees and the company. 

Unlimited time off policies can help you manage stress, decrease burnout, and prevent long-term mental health issues. By having the ability to take breaks and step away from work when needed, you can recharge and return to work with a fresh mindset.

Employee Productivity

Believe it or not, having unlimited PTO makes employees more productive. Having the ability to take time off and clear your mind means you’ll be able to bring innovative ideas and stay engaged, leading to better focus that benefits your work performance.

Attraction and Retention

Companies with unlimited PTO policies promote a positive company culture and demonstrate trust in your ability to balance the professional and personal aspects of your life. As a result, employees feel valued, experience a big morale boost, and are more likely to experience higher levels of job satisfaction. 

Offering unlimited PTO is a progressive and highly desirable benefit that makes a company more competitive when recruiting and retaining top workforce talent.

Is there a catch with unlimited PTO?

While it’s highly desirable, unlimited paid time off policies are not a perfect system. Two downsides that you should consider are that employees who have unlimited paid time off usually end up taking less time off because they don’t want to take advantage of the system. 

The other downside is that without a bank of PTO hours, employers aren’t required to pay you for any unused vacation days when you leave the company.

Remote Companies With Unlimited PTO

Here is a list of companies that provide unlimited paid time off as a benefit to their remote employees. You’ll find a range of options, from large corporations to small nonprofits, spanning many different job sectors.

1. The Muse

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