IOScholarships Students in STEM Scholarships │ DiversityComm

National Scholarship Month, is a national campaign designed to raise awareness of the vital role scholarships play in reducing student loan debt and expanding access to higher education. To celebrate IOScholarships is joining forces with the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) to open opportunities for diverse students in STEM. SME Education Foundation has awarded $18 million to over 5,000 students since 2005. Graduating high school seniors as well as students pursuing two-year, four-year or graduate degrees in manufacturing or engineering are eligible to apply for scholarships.

“We are excited to celebrate National Scholarships Month with SME as we strongly believe that scholarships will provide education and hand-on opportunities to encourage young students to continue their manufacturing education at community college or a four-year university “said Maria Fernanda Trochimezuk IOScholarships Founder.

Scholarship Qualifications –
* Must be a permanent resident or citizen of the United States or Canada.
* Must have minimum of 2.0/4.0 GPA or higher.
* Must be on a path toward an associate, bachelors or graduate degree in manufacturing engineering, technology, or closely related field at an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada.

Applications are accepted Nov 1st Feb 1st. They are then evaluated by Scholarship reviewers. Students are notified in the summer (July / August) if they receive a scholarship

Award Duration –
1 to 4 Years

Number of Recipients –

To Apply
One online application allows students to be considered for all scholarships that they would be eligible: SME Education Foundation Scholarship Opportunities (

Deadline –
November 1 / Feburary 1.

For more information regarding scholarship and internship opportunities visit


By conducting a free scholarship search at, STEM minority and underrepresented students gain access to a database of thousands of STEM scholarships worth over $48 million. We then narrow this vast array of financial aid opportunities down to a manageable list of scholarships for which students actually qualify, based on the information they provide in their profile. They can then review their search results, mark their favorites, and sort their list by deadline, dollar amount and other criteria. We also offer a scholarship organizer which is completely free to use, just like our scholarship search. There are scholarships out there for diverse students in STEM. So take advantage of National Scholarship Month and search for available scholarships today!

For more information about IOScholarships visit

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