533: Embracing The LGBTQ You, You See – Danny Freeman

Growing up LGBTQ can be very confusing. Your heart feels it before your head. You try to assimilate into hetero norms, but can’t. Then once you accept who you are do you really take time to grieve the you that once was for the you that you’ve always been? Exploring all these types of thoughts in his brand new book – The You I See – author Danny Freemen brings us a big-hearted and humorous novel about young gay life and love.

About Danny

Danny Freeman is a native Texan: born in Dallas and raised in Houston. He is a former elementary school teacher and intervention program coordinator for a large Texas school district. Danny now lives and resides outside the Lone Star State in a happy spot somewhere between his head and his heart. He is busy writing his second novel. If there is an afterlife, he hopes he’ll get assigned to a small cottage between his two favorite couples in the world: Westley and Buttercup, and Alex and Brandon.

About The You I See

The You I See is a big-hearted, humorous novel that functions as both a sweet ‘coming-of-age, coming-out’ tale and an unapologetic affirmation of queer identity which traces the sexual awakening of two gay teens as they mature through adolescence. Set against the backdrop of a fundamentalist Christian context and the changing cultural landscape of Houston in the early 1990s, The You I See weaves together faith, politics, shifting social attitudes, the journey to self-acceptance, and the importance of LGBTQ+ allies like few other young adult novels.

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