Is social media ruining the holidays for women? – There Are No Girls on the Internet

From pressure to create the perfect holiday scene for family, or the most over-the-top instagram post for “the internet,” the holidays can be a stressful time. As usual,  gendered labor like cooking, presents, and kin-making most often falls to women and moms. Social media companies love to monetize our anxieties in order to sell stuff, and the holidays are no exception, but social media can also help us feel connected and learn tips like how to set boundaries around gift giving. Bridget talks with three women about how, and with whom, they navigate the holidays online. 


The Kardashian’s over the top Easter: https://www.tiktok.com/@plantawhisperer/video/7087734906087853354?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1

An Elf breakfast: https://twitter.com/OnPunsnNeedles/status/1600905934678548480

The Gendering of Holiday Labor: https://daily.jstor.org/the-gendering-of-holiday-labor/

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