506: Gay and Banned From California – Robert C. Steele

Imagine being gay, and being institutionalized. Imagine being gay and being jailed for being gay. Nothing to imagine, this is reality. The reality of being gay in the 1950’s, just a little over 70 years ago, this was our LGBTQ reality. Robert C. Steele, captures Jim Foshee story in the book he authored, Banned From California – of what it was like to grow up as an out gay man, in the ’50s being banned from family and life, just because he was gay. We’re exploring this true story that truly shows why our fight to be who we are is never done.

About Robert

Robert C. Steele served as a reporter and producer at various radio and television stations in Colorado and Arizona. He was a broadcaster at the Italian National Broadcasting Company (RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana) in Naples, Italy.

While on active duty in the U.S. military he was a reporter for Armed Forces Radio and Television along the coast of Vietnam, the Asian Western Pacific and Vicenza, Italy. He was a volunteer and activist in the early gay liberation movement with the Gay Coalition of Denver and with two weekly gay radio shows in Colorado.

Later, as a federal government public affairs officer, he served as a government spokesperson and managed media relations with reporters who worked for media outlets from across the USA and around the world.

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