April go, girl! -Ifedayo Durosinmi-Etti | The Guardian Nigeria News

Go, Girl! is an event that empowers women with diverse backgrounds and stories by bringing them together in a relaxed environment to sit, listen and learn from each other’s experiences, challenges, mistakes and victories. Created and put together by Workstation in partnership with Guardian Woman, Dalberg and The 9-To-5 Chick, this event holds monthly at Workstation Bar Beach. Workstation provides shared workspaces and business services for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, small businesses and large-scale enterprises.

Every month, a successful woman making strides in her career and everyday life is selected and celebrated to share her experiences and journey. In April, we featured the entrepreneurial go-getter Ifedayo Durosinmi-Etti, who co-owns a child furniture producing company, author of the book Accessing Grants for Startups, founder of AGS Tribe and ACE Awards Winner. It was a fun, honest and educative talk about her journey, life decisions and what it takes to excel as a young woman in her entertainment industry.

Tell us briefly about your career journey.
Funny enough, I studied Biochemistry, which is very different from what I do now. I loved biology and chemistry in secondary school so I thought that was the most convenient thing to study since I didn’t like all the engineering math from Chemical Engineering. Once I did an internship, I understood very quickly that that life was not for me. So I started trying my hands on other things and I stumbled on sales and marketing which seemed like it came naturally to me. It made me question so many things and I couldn’t understand why I never saw that path as an option before.

I then started my career in London at Aspire Acquisitions, a marketing company and then moved to Arcadia Group Limited, one of Britain’s largest fashion retailers. During this time, I saw that I enjoyed the business side of things more, so I decided to get an MBA. After my MBA, I got several offers from the banking industry and one from Nigerian Breweries (which was my dream job at the time), so I worked there for about five years before quitting to focus on my business. It has been quite a journey by I’m grateful for all the lessons along the way.

How do you strike the perfect work-life balance?
I don’t really believe there’s a thing like balance, I just accept each day as it comes and I have a huge support system that I do not take for granted.

What did you like most about the Go, Girl! Event?
I loved how close of a circle it was and I felt at home. I also love the fact that I met people who I can collaborate with potentially.

What would you say has been the most challenging moment in your career?
Hmm, I’m not sure I’ve hit that yet. I think the worst thing I’ve experienced yet was having a difficult boss, but I took each day as it came so it wasn’t really a peculiar issue, I think everyone goes through this at some point. You just need to grow up and learn how to manage people.

What do you do to unwind in Lagos?
Swimming and hanging out with my family and friends. Sometimes we go out and sometimes we have games night.

Are there any quotes you live by?
Do not let fear stop you.

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