Small Business Certification Will Be Streamlined By The State of Georgia Purchasing Department

The legislative session ended earlier this year, and one highlight is HB 128, which addresses challenges faced by small businesses attempting to do business with our state. This bill received overwhelming bipartisan support. Sponsored by Rep Soo Hong, it is an outcome of the Governor’s executive order, which directed the Department of Administrative Services to address the state’s procurement process with a focus on minority-owned, women-owned, and veteran-owned businesses. I speak with Julian Bailey, a Small Business Supplier Diversity Manager with the Department of Administrative Services, about this new initiative.

I ask Bailey about the 2022 Executive Order signed by Governor Kemp, and she speaks to Georgia being considered the #1 State in the country to do business. She also mentions that Governor Kemp considers himself a small business owner and wants to do what he can to address their concerns.

The initiative to streamline the certification process for minority, women, and veteran-owned businesses will begin in January 2024. Bailey explains that the current MBE Certification process can be cumbersome for small business owners.

Bailey explains that small business owners can visit their website for information about the new initiative, including the implementation plan. They will also be able to gain access to Small Business Liason officers located on college and university campuses to receive training in the procurement process and receive information on monthly training and small business workshops for readiness.

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