How CEOcircle Helps Veterans Drive Business Growth

Photo credit: Dream Crew Productions

It’s no secret that veterans are a highly motivated group of entrepreneurs. But even they may need help when scaling a business in growth mode.

That’s why Bunker Labs created CEOcircle. Each year, the peer accountability group gathers a cohort of veteran and military spouse business owners for nine virtual huddles and four in-person forums. The entrepreneurs can ask critical questions impacting their companies, explore new business strategies, expand their networks and inspire each other to succeed. The executive cohort also gains access to dedicated learning sessions with notable business leaders, which have included Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co. 


Percentage of veteran small-business owners interested in growing their business


Percentage of veteran business owners who would prioritize business growth over profits

Source: 2021 National Survey of Military-Affiliated Entrepreneurs, Syracuse University D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families

We talked with CEOcircle participants about the challenges of networking, the power of teamwork and the shared experiences that can forge personal connections.

Networking isn’t easy

The right connection can help a business owner solve problems or seize opportunity. But veterans may face obstacles in assembling such a network.

“Often, veterans go to a new city where they might not have as many connections, or the network they do have stayed in the military or national security,” said Terry Hill, Co-Head of Veteran Initiatives for JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking and a former U.S. Army field artillery captain. “In business, you’re creating and growing something of your own, not joining together to achieve a mission, which makes it a unique challenge.”

Building a professional network while you’re running a growth-stage business creates more issues. Just ask Marlie Andersch, founder and CEO of rockITdata and a U.S. Air Force veteran. 

“Being a CEO means 20-hour days, which puts networking on the back burner,” Andersch said. “It makes it hard to look outside your immediate circle.”

Army veteran Tim Hsia echoed that challenge.

“Building a company is a difficult and sometimes lonely process,” said Hsia, founder and CEO of Media Mobilize, as well as managing partner at Context Ventures. “I know it’s important to be a lifelong learner, but it’s really hard to do that in isolation.”

Tackling challenges together

CEOcircle makes it so veteran owners don’t have to go it alone.

“CEOcircle participants immediately gain access to a strong business network, which helps them navigate potential pitfalls, identify new opportunities and scale their operations over the long term,” said Alex McKindra, Co-Head of Veteran Initiatives for JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking and a former Air Force captain.

The setting acts as a catalyst from the outset.

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