(BPRW) Celebrate Short Fiction Day | Press releases

(BPRW) Celebrate Short Fiction Day

(Black PR Wire) Short Fiction Day is observed annually on the shortest day of the year, December 21st. This day recognizes the rich history of short stories and the contemporary writers who skillfully navigate the nuances of this concise and impactful narrative form. Short stories are one of the oldest forms of storytelling and are designed to impart a particular mood or capture a specific moment in time.

Celebrate Short Fiction Day by immersing yourself in the world of Black Shorts Fiction and experiencing the richness and diversity of Black voices in literature. Consider these exceptional collections by Black authors for your holiday list: “Damned If I Do” by Percival Everett, “How to Sit: A Memoir in Stories and Essays” by Tyrese L. Coleman, “A Lucky Man” by Jamel Brinkley, and “What It Means When a Man Falls from the Sky” by Lesley Nneka Arimah.

 Happy reading!

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