Quotes to Help you Build Confidence in January

As we head into a new month and a new year, it’s totally normal to feel a little apprehensive and unsure. A lot can happen through the years that would deflate even the most self-assured person. We’ve all taken on a lot of new responsibilities, faced the unknown, confronted sickness and grief, and all while doing our best to show up for our family, friends and loved ones. So as we prepare for the year ahead, this is a great time to get centered and create a foundation of confidence.

How to Build Self Confidence – CeCe Olisa Tedx Talk

I find that it can be helpful to have wise words we can recall that remind us of who we are and who we want to be. The confidence you gain and give to the world will allow others to see and share in your true beauty, inside and out. And don’t forget that confidence is not something you do in isolation— confidence can be strengthened by way of investing in genuine healthy community. Consider sharing these quotes with the people who help you to feel more confident.


Quotes to Help you Build Confidence in January


“Don’t wait on your weight to live the life you want” – CeCe Olisa


“1% Better each day” – James Clear


“Health is a practice, not a pant size” – CeCe Olisa



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