Black Woman-Owned Company Operates 38 Vans, Making $3M a Year Delivering for Amazon

Sophia Strother and her staff

Sophia Strother, a 43-year-old African American woman from Austin, Texas, turned a $10,000 investment into a multi-million dollar delivery business called L2E Industries. Teaming up with Amazon, Sophia now owns 32 vans and rakes in over $3 million annually.

Sophia, a single mom and survivor of sex trafficking, has always had a thirst for success. After becoming a mom at age 15, she pursued higher education, earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business administration. At 20 years old, she started her entrepreneurial journey with Trustworthy Consulting and owned 2 homes.

In 2018, Sophia stumbled upon an article criticizing Amazon for not collaborating with small businesses for deliveries. Intrigued, she discovered that for $10,000, anyone could partner with Amazon and potentially make between $74,000 to $3 million annually.

“As I read the Amazon article, I was sitting down thinking, wait a minute. Why not me? I applied for the partnership and within a year, I was running a million-dollar business. After 18 months, my delivery company grew to become a multimillion-dollar business,” she told Business Insider.

Despite initial doubts, she decided to apply as an Amazon Delivery Service Partner. Sophia faced a year-long process for her application, involving an online form, resume, and financial documents. Though lacking a transportation background, she emphasized her community initiatives and passion for serving people.

Fast forward to September 2020, she launched L2E Industries, standing for Learning 2 Exhale Industries. With a fleet of 38 blue vans adorned with “Prime,” her team has delivered over 4 million packages, covering 20,000 routes across Central Texas with nearly 80 associates. The company’s success has surpassed $3 million in less than three years.

Sophia’s business model emphasizes customer satisfaction, safety, and quality, earning financial incentives for positive remarks. Despite challenges, like a rough quarter in 2021 due to a Texas winter storm, her positive attitude and strategic changes led to a successful turnaround.

Now, Sophia says that she envisions a future where she can contribute positively to people’s lives, emphasizing a supportive company culture.

“I now try to mirror what I wish I had during my years in corporate jobs. I’m passionate and determined to succeed because of the families that are connected with my company,” she said.

Learn more about the company via its official website at

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