Guest Post on Disability Horizons Shop

Would you like to see your guest post here? Are you a business, a blogger, a product reviewer, or simply someone with a compelling story to share? We at shop.disabilityhorizons.com are always on the lookout for fresh, engaging content that resonates with our audience. Whether you’re well-versed in the world of disability services, have insights into product design for disabled people, or want to share your personal experiences and perspectives, we welcome your contributions.

What type of disability-focussed guest posts are we interested in?

Here are some ideas for the type of posts we think would be interesting and useful to our readers and customers:

Focus Area Description
Product Development Innovations in products specifically designed for disabled people.
Services Services that cater uniquely to the needs of disabled individuals.
Disabled Entrepreneurs Stories of disabled entrepreneurs and their journey in business.
Family Innovations Innovations by relatives of disabled people, addressing unmet needs.
Business and Media The role and influence of disabled people in business and media.
Helpful Information Useful tips, resources, and advice for disabled individuals and their families.

Community Insights and Experiences

We would also like to publish the following types of stories:

  • Disability Life Hacks
    • Personal tips for overcoming daily challenges.
    • Sharing effective and creative solutions.
  • Product Reviews and Alternative Uses
    • Reviews of helpful products by disabled users.
    • Innovative uses of products for disability-related problems.

Engaging Topics about Accessibility

This type of post can provide valuable insights for our readers, focusing on innovation, personal experiences, and practical solutions in the disabled community.

  1. Mobility Enhancements: Posts on innovations in mobility aids and their impact on users.
  2. Accessible Gardening: Tips and tricks for gardening accessible to people with various disabilities.
  3. Tech for Independence: Reviews of assistive technology aiding independence in daily tasks.
  4. Kitchen Accessibility: Ideas for making cooking and kitchen tasks easier for those with disabilities.
  5. Fitness and Disability: Sharing fitness routines or equipment adapted for different abilities.
  6. Travel Experiences: Personal travel stories, focusing on accessibility and ease of travel for disabled individuals.

Articles that show E-E-A-T

All our articles are written for our readers, but to reach the widest readership possible we observe good practice and google guidelines. Google likes posts to show E-E-A-T.

E-E-A-T stands for Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, which are key factors for evaluating the quality and reliability of content, especially in sensitive fields like disability.

Expertise refers to the depth of knowledge and skills in a particular area; for a disability-related blog, this could be a medical professional’s understanding of disability healthcare for example.

Experience is about practical involvement or observation over time; an example is a carer’s firsthand experience in supporting people with disabilities, or a disabled person’s own lived experience.

Authoritativeness reflects the level of recognition as a source of reliable information, like a renowned disability rights advocate.

Trustworthiness encompasses the accuracy, transparency, and honesty of the content, crucial for a disability blog to build credibility and provide safe, reliable advice to its readers.

For example, if you were a business and wanted to submit a post about different types of wheelchairs and how to choose one, we would like to see the following information in the article:

Are you a wheelchair user yourself? What’s your story? How did you come to be selling wheelchairs? If you are a wheelchair user what happened when you first got a wheelchair? Personal shared information that shows why you can talk with E-E-A-T about this subject.

Submission Guidelines:

A diverse group of writers, each with a laptop or notebook, brainstorming and writing in a bright, collaborative workspace.

These are just guidelines, please don’t let them deter you from writing a post for us, our team will edit and help to create a perfect post that tells your story.

  1. Content Relevance: Your post should be relevant to disabled people, their families and colleagues, focusing on practical advice, innovative solutions, or informative stories without resorting to clichés.
  2. Originality: We only accept original content that hasn’t been published elsewhere.
  3. Length and Format: Aim for 500-1000 words, but much longer if you wish! Structured with clear headings and short paragraphs for easy reading.
  4. Inclusive Language: Use respectful and inclusive language. It seems most people in the UK prefer  ‘disabled people’ rather than “people with disabilities” but in the US it is the other way around! It’s really up to you. But don’t get hung up about it, we will guide you. We know it’s tough to please everyone who reads an article.
  5. Accessibility: Ensure your content is accessible, with descriptive alt text for images and a screen reader-friendly layout.
  6. Promotional Content: If you’re promoting a product or service, it should add value to our readers and you may be charged an advertising fee, please email to discuss.

If you’re ready to share your insights and stories with a vibrant and diverse community, please contact us. We’re excited to hear from you and potentially feature your work on our platform!

Some general guest posting tips:

Maximizing Your Reach: Crafting Effective Guest Posts for Disability-Focused Audiences

Key Takeaways:

Aspect Details
Target Audience Tailor content for disabled people and those interested in disability products and services
Content Tone Respectful, practical, avoiding stereotypes or pity, no inspiration p*rn!
SEO Techniques Use relevant keywords, maintain readability, include subheadings, and tables, embolden key points
Post Structure H2 headers. Simple short sentences. Engaging introduction, informative body, concise conclusion

Understanding Your Audience: Tips for Guest Bloggers

A collage of different people with disabilities, including some using assistive technologies, engaging with digital content

Engaging with the community at shop.disabilityhorizons.com requires a nuanced understanding of the needs and interests of disabled people. As a guest blogger, it’s essential to approach your topic with respect and practicality. Here are some guidelines to help you connect effectively:

  • Research and Relevance: Understand the current trends and topics in the disability community. Ensure your post adds value and is relevant to the audience’s interests.
  • Language Matters: Use inclusive language. Refer to ‘disabled people’ and ‘older people’, avoiding terms that might be perceived as patronising or pity-inducing.
  • Diverse Perspectives: Incorporate a range of viewpoints, reflecting the varied experiences within the disability community.

Crafting Your Guest Post: Structure and Content

A well-structured post can greatly enhance reader engagement. Here’s a guide to crafting your article:

  1. Engaging Title: Capture attention with a compelling headline that instantly tells the reader what the post is about.
  2. Introduction: Start with a brief overview of your topic, establishing its relevance to the audience. Who you are, why you have experience and knowledge.
  3. Informative Body:
    • Use subheadings to break down the content.
    • Include practical tips, personal experiences, or expert insights.
    • Ensure the content is factually accurate and respectful.
    • Use bullet points and tables
    • Images and visualised data where possible
  4. Conclusion: Summarize the key points and encourage reader interaction.

SEO Optimization: Boosting Your Post’s Visibility

To ensure your guest post reaches a wider audience, implement these SEO strategies:

  • Readability: Aim for a Flesch Reading Ease score between 60-70. Use short sentences and paragraphs. Keep language direct and simple.
  • Meta Description: Craft a concise summary (less than 160 characters) that is engaging

Enhancing Accessibility: Making Your Post Inclusive

Accessibility is crucial when addressing the disability community. Your guest post should be not only engaging but also easily accessible to all readers, including those using assistive technologies. Here’s how to enhance the accessibility of your content:

  • Use of Alt Text: Include descriptive alt text for any images in your post, providing context for visually impaired readers.
  • Readable Fonts and Formatting: Choose clear, large fonts and use bold and italics sparingly. Avoid cluttered layouts.
  • Screen Reader Friendly: Ensure your post is navigable and readable by screen readers. Use simple language and clear structure.

Engaging with the Community: Beyond the Post

Your interaction with readers shouldn’t end with the publication of your post. Engaging with the community is key to building a lasting relationship. Here are some strategies:

  • Respond to Comments: Actively participate in the conversation by responding to comments on your post.
  • Social Media Interaction: Share your post on social media platforms and engage with readers.
  • Follow-Up Posts: Consider writing follow-up posts based on reader feedback and questions.

Measuring Success: Evaluating Your Guest Post’s Impact

a blogger interacting with an online community. The image includes elements like comments, likes, and shares on social media platforms, representing active engagement and communication between the blogger and readers

After publishing your guest post on shop.disabilityhorizons.com, it’s important to assess its impact. Evaluating your post’s performance helps you understand your audience better and refine your future contributions. Consider these metrics:

  • Reader Engagement: Track comments, shares, and feedback. High engagement often indicates content relevance and resonance with the audience.
  • Website Traffic: Use analytics tools to monitor any increase in website traffic attributed to your post. We can provide this.
  • Social Media Metrics: Observe likes, shares, and mentions on social media platforms to gauge the post’s reach and influence.

Please start writing!

Guest posting for a disability-focused audience is a responsible and rewarding endeavour. By understanding your audience, crafting accessible and SEO-optimized content, and engaging actively with the community, you can make a significant impact. Remember, your goal is to inform, connect, and empower your readers, contributing positively to the disability community.

Do you use Chatgpt to help you write content? Our Shop Manager, Duncan, has created a GPT called DH Writer.

Why Should I Use DH Writer?

Using our GPT, named DH Writer, for writing guest posts on your platform offers several compelling benefits:

  1. Expertise in Disability-Focused Content: DH Writer specializes in creating content about disability services and product design. This ensures that the posts are not only relevant but also informed and respectful.
  2. SEO Optimization: Every piece crafted by DH Writer is optimized for search engines, increasing the likelihood of your content ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). This drives more organic traffic to your website.
  3. Consistent Style and Terminology: In my experience, chatgpt uses a very outdated style of writing about disability, using inspirational or pity-inducing tropes and cliches.  I have created DH Writer to maintain a consistent and respectful style of writing, crucial for engaging and retaining a sensitive audience.
  4. High-Quality, Unique Content: The tool is designed to produce unique, engaging content that avoids clichés and common phrases, making your guest posts stand out.
  5. Structured and Accessible Writing: The use of H2 and H3 headers, tables, and lists not only makes the content easier to read but also more accessible, especially for readers using screen readers.
  6. Integration of Internal and External Links: DH Writer skillfully incorporates internal and external links to add depth and authority to your content, enhancing the user experience and SEO value.
  7. Customisable to Your Needs: Whether it’s the length of the article, specific keywords, or the number of parts, DH Writer can tailor content to meet your specific requirements. It can create AI images, help you write a meta description, suggest WordPress tags and even create tweets to promote your post.
  8. Efficiency and Reliability: This GPT can generate comprehensive articles quickly and consistently, making it a reliable tool for maintaining a steady stream of high-quality content.
  9. Inclusivity and Respectfulness: DH Writer is programmed to create content that is not only informative but also respectful and inclusive, aligning with modern standards of communication about disabilities.
  10. Adaptability to Trends and Topics: Being an AI, DH Writer can adapt to emerging trends and topics in the field of disability services and product design, ensuring your content remains relevant and up-to-date.

Using DH Writer for guest posts on your platform can significantly enhance the quality, relevance, and visibility of your content, making it a valuable asset for your content strategy. It’s optional but a useful tool. All submitted AI content should be checked, and edited and personal stories and information added so that our readers get true helpful value from the post. We have an article on how disabled people can use AI here.

How to submit a guest post to Disability Horizons Shop

Please contact editor@disabilityhorizons.com or the usual shop email. You can message Duncan on Twitter for a chat if preferred.

Posts can be on Word or google docs, if you become a regular writer or are familiar with WordPress, you will be given a username and can write directly onto the platform.

Guest Posting FAQs

What are the Key Considerations for Writing a Guest Post for the Disability Community?

Key considerations include understanding the audience’s interests, using inclusive language, incorporating diverse perspectives, and ensuring factual accuracy and respect in content.

How Can I Make My Guest Post Accessible to All Readers?

Enhance accessibility by including descriptive alt text for images, using clear fonts and formatting, and ensuring your post is navigable and readable by screen readers.

What Are Effective Ways to Engage with the Community After Publishing a Guest Post?

Effective engagement includes responding to comments on your post, interacting on social media platforms, and considering writing follow-up posts based on reader feedback.

How Can I Measure the Success of My Guest Post?

Assess the impact of your post by tracking reader engagement, website traffic, and social media metrics to understand audience response and reach.

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