WOMXN UP! Latina Filmmaker, Beni Mastias – Women’s eNews

Beni Mastias is one of the inaugural recipients of a production grant from⁠ NYWIFT’s Creative Workforce Initiative: Latina Women’s Pipeline⁠, for her documentary, Coquito. Matías’s documentary, Coquito, explores the hidden history of Puerto Rico’s traditional Christmas drink, detailing its connections to business, colonialism, labor, agriculture, and politics. It is a meditation on culture that covers several important topics while showing a light-hearted approach to coquito tasting contests and the Christmas season. The heart of the film is how both the U.S. and island-based Boricuas preserve the culture and the changing idea of what is a Puerto Rican.

*In photo above: Left: Beni Matías cooking; Right: Beni Matías on set with food historian Miguel Ortiz Cuadra

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