Minority Business Owner Alleges Expansion Denial

In a climate where racial equality is increasingly championed, allegations of discrimination can shake the foundations of a society built on fairness and justice. This is the case for Suruosh Alehy, an Iranian business owner operating in Valley West Mall, who has filed a lawsuit alleging racial discrimination by the mall’s interim management.

Alehy’s Allegations

Alehy, owner of Five Star Direct Discount since 2020, alleges that the mall’s management denied his request to rent additional space, an act he believes was motivated by a desire to avoid attracting minority customers. The defendants in his lawsuit are Krista Freitag of E3 Realty Advisors, the mall’s receiver, and Spinoso Management Group, a company Freitag brought on board following a foreclosure action filed by U.S. Bank against the mall.

Discrimination and Retaliation

The Iranian entrepreneur claims to have faced increased hostility and harassment, including a break-in at his store and denial of services. Despite a probable cause finding from the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, Alehy’s allegations of discrimination persist. He claims the leasing of space was preferentially offered to white tenants, and minor infractions were used as pretexts to threaten his lease – a treatment he alleges is not dealt to white business owners.

Legal Proceedings

The court has yet to rule on Alehy’s request to file the lawsuit. His lawyer, Ben Bergmann, thanked Alehy for his trust and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to represent him in this legal matter. The case is a stark reminder of the persistent struggle for equality and fairness, even in places where it is least expected.

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