Teen Girls Accused of ‘Black Face’ Makeup, Confrontation, and Animal Noises –

Three young females recently caused an uproar at a Sephora in Boston by dressing in heavy makeup in a provocative way that resembled “black face.” The incident has been widely condemned and was captured on camera.

An unidentified woman addressed the teenagers and called their actions “incredibly offensive.” The scenario became heated when the person documenting the incident claimed the girls were also making animal noises before the video began.

Surprisingly, a chaperone accompanying the girls did not intervene or stop them from using the controversial makeup. The absence of intervention raises concerns about competent adult supervision.

Sephora quickly replied to the event on X (formerly known as Twitter), expressing disgust with the shoppers’ actions at their Prudential Center branch. The corporation stressed its zero-tolerance stance for such behavior, noting that the girls had been ordered to leave the premises.

Margarita Botto, the mother accompanying the girls, was identified by TikTok user Danesh. He posted Botto’s Facebook page with his large TikTok audience, putting insight into those engaged in the contentious incident.

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