(BPRW) FPL Volunteers Pack Hygiene Kit to Serve Those in Need | Press releases

(BPRW) FPL Volunteers Pack Hygiene Kit to Serve Those in Need

A fitting and rewarding effort shared during National Kindness Week

(Black PR Wire) Ft. Lauderdale, FL — Strengthening their dedication and commitment to serving and supporting communities throughout South Florida, more than 20 volunteers from the Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) packed 1,200 hygiene kits to be distributed to Broward Partnership, the largest comprehensive homeless services provider in Broward County.

Items placed in the kits included soap, shampoo, socks and other hygienic products. 

It’s all of FPL’s commitment to power strong communities by making Florida an even better place to live, work and raise a family.

Photos 4 – 7: On Feb. 7, 2024, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) volunteers packed 1,200 hygiene kits to be distributed to Broward Partnership, the largest comprehensive homeless services provider in Broward County. More than 20 volunteers assembled the kits, which include soap, shampoo, socks and other hygienic products, as part of FPL’s commitment to power strong communities by making Florida an even better place to live, work and raise a family. 


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