Metro Philadelphia Black Power Players 2024 – Metro Philadelphia

Fulbright scholar Dr. Derrell Acon is an award-winning leader who understands the power of the arts to foster human compassion and catalyze conversations on challenging subjects. He has extensive experience as an organizational strategist and Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Access (EDIA) practitioner, and is a frequent presenter throughout the U.S. and abroad. Dr. Acon is known for his work in dismantling oppressive systems in opera and has taught at all levels on topics in 19th century opera and artistic activism.

If you could give your younger-self advice, what would it be?
Be more selective with your energy. I cannot remember a time in my life when I was not in one heated conversation or another about my next big set of ideas. It took me a while to learn that not everyone has the right reasons for being interested in what I have to say. I would say that solid discernment is one of my best qualities today … but goodness was it hard-earned.

What are you most proud of accomplishing in 2023, and most looking forward to achieving in 2024?
The whole year felt like an accomplishment. I made an intentional decision to travel less and commit to fewer professional engagements outside of my demanding position at the Opera. It made all the difference, and I feel focused and energized for an awesome 2024! This year, I will strive to be kinder to my body and work for better balance in all things. I also want to continue deepening my ties to the community in Philadelphia.

Do you have any movie/music/book recommendations for readers to check out in celebration of Black History Month?
Check out a phenomenal artist-icon who exists at the intersection of Blackness, opera, and the month of February in Ms. Leontyne Price, who turned 97 years old on February 10th. A few of my favorites include her 1985 farewell performance of the aria “O patria mia” from Verdi’s AIDA, her 1982 performance for the Daughters of the American Revolution, and the famous black and white video recording of Puccini’s “Tu, tu, piccolo Iddio”.

Is there a person or organization doing particularly inspiring work that you would like to spotlight?
I would like to spotlight two extraordinary women with whom I have the honor of serving on the senior management team at Opera Philadelphia. Veronica Chapman-Smith is our VP of community initiatives and provides exemplary leadership for educational and community-centric programs and partnerships. Gina J. Range is our VP of development and, even in her less than one year with the company, has already made transformative strides in our advancement and philanthropy efforts.

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