Asian-Owned Business Resource Hub: opportunities, tools, and stories of success | Yelp

In May, we celebrate Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month (APIHM)—but equitable access to resources, fair treatment, and authentic representation is a year-long priority.

To show support and appreciation for the Asian community, we’ve compiled this resource hub of valuable business information, inspirational stories, and our own efforts to provide more visibility to Asian-owned businesses.

Asian-owned attribute
Did you know?
From the Yelp Blog
On-demand video and podcast
Business resources
Gold House resources
Tools for allies

Note: There are also select resources available in Chinese (您也可以用中文阅读这篇文章) and Vietnamese (tham khảo một số nội dung khác bằng Việt dưới đây).

Asian-owned attribute

Business owners can add the “Asian-owned” attribute to display on their Yelp Page. This free, searchable attribute helps consumers find and support Asian-owned businesses in their communities. 

This attribute is an opt-in only feature, as the decision to identify as Asian-owned should rest solely with the business.

If you are an Asian-owned business and want to add the attribute to your Yelp Page and to appear in “Asian-owned” search results, you can opt-in via your Yelp for Business account by following these simple steps:  

  1. Log in to Yelp for Business (Business Information tab)
  2. In the Amenities section, click Add or Edit 
  3. Select Yes next to “Asian-owned”
  4. Click Save

Did you know?

  • You can get a free Asian-owned business sticker in the mail by filling out this request form (eligible for businesses with a physical location listed on Yelp). Stickers are sent out on a monthly basis. 
  • We have Mandarin-speaking representatives available for customer support. Log in to your Yelp for Business account for contact information and ask for a Mandarin-speaking contact.
  • You can change the language—such as traditional Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Bahasa Malaysia, and more—on and

From the Yelp Blog

Small business spotlight 

Yelp for Business x Luminary fellow Esther Lee launched her social media and creative agency, Asian Founded, to empower the Asian American and Pacific Islander business community through content. A former TV journalist, Esther uses social media to help tell the stories of Asian-owned businesses across industries.

Business: Asian Founded

Owner: Esther Lee 

Location: Los Angeles 

Business mission: “Anything to do with your culture or your identity, [as a business owner,] you have to make sure it’s represented the right way. We manage accounts, whether it’s creating the posts that go up or making sure there’s a sense of community for each of our clients.” —Esther

Advice for business owners: “Good content will resonate. A lot of people don’t like to be vulnerable on camera, but it’s showing that vulnerability as a business owner that people can resonate with. People forget that there are people behind businesses, so [give them] that reminder of, ‘Hey, we are a group of people who are working to get this to you as fast as we can.’” —Esther

Hear more from Esther on growing a social media following for your small business.

On-demand videos and podcast

Business resources

Read more about the impactful things you can do on your Yelp Business Page to communicate with your customers, increase business, and more.

Gold House resources

Gold House, a nonprofit collective of Asian founders, creatives, and leaders, fights for social equity and authentic representation of those of Asian and Pacific Islander (API) descent. Gold House offers several opportunities for Asian entrepreneurs to find community and success:

Founder Network

Founder Network is a cross-industry network of API entrepreneurs and business leaders that connects members with strategic advisors, investors, board members, and fellow founders to advance the success and authentic representation of Asian-owned businesses. 

Gold House Ventures 

GHV is a $30 million fund for Asian-owned businesses. To apply, the company’s founder or CEO must be of API descent. Email with your investor materials and be sure to include:

  • Terms of the financing round
  • Who is already invested
  • Company progress to date (e.g., users, retention, revenue)
  • Definitive proof of product market fit or early indication of it
  • Company needs and where GHV can be helpful

Gold Rush

Gold Rush is a semiannual accelerator program for API entrepreneurs. The goal of the program is to instill confidence, build community, and foster the next generation of API leaders.

Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month: An Allyship Resource Guide
Provides education for allies on different Asian communities, history, and how to support, donate to, and volunteer for Asian-based organizations and issues

APIHM events | The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
A calendar of events for exposure to Asian culture, art, contributions, and history

Community Service Volunteer | Asian Americans for Equality
A list of resources for supporting and giving back to Asian communities

Resources for teachers | The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Educational resources for those interested in teaching the history, contributions, culture, and achievements of Asian and Pacific Islander peoples

“亚裔经营的” 属性 (Asian-owned attribute)



如果您是一家亚裔经营的企业或公司,希望将该类别添加到Yelp页面并显示在“亚裔经营的企业或公司”搜索结果中,则可以通过以下简单步骤登录Yelp for Business帐户,选择加入:

  1. 登录到Yelp for Business
  2. 在“Amenities”部分,单击Add或Edit
  3. 在亚裔经营的选项选择“是”
  4. 单击保存


  • 所有标注为亚裔经营企业的,都将在邮件中收到免费的窗口贴花(适用于在Yelp 列出经营地址的企业)。
  • 我们有专门的普通话客户服务为您提供帮助。 登录到您的Yelp for Business帐户可获取联系电话,并可选择普通话接听服务。
  • 您可以在yelp.com和biz.yelp.com上将英文更改为中文、日文、马来西亚语等您所需要的其它语言。
  • 您可以在页面上添加多个属性,可标注自己的企业类别为拉美裔、非裔、女性拥有等。 请按照与上述相同的说明添加这一选项。


了解更多在Yelp 企业页面上如何与您的客户保持联系,扩大您的业务量,让您的企业更有影响力吧。

Thuộc tính “Sở hữu bởi người châu Á” (Asian-owned attribute)

Bạn có thể bổ sung thuộc tính này trên trang doanh nghiệp của mình miễn phí. Tính năng tra cứu dễ dàng của nó sẽ giúp doanh nghiệp bạn hiển thị cao hơn khi người tiêu dùng muốn tìm kiếm và ủng hộ doanh nghiệp của người châu Á xung quanh họ.

Thuộc tính “Sở hữu bởi người châu Á” đã được hoàn thiện và có thể được sử dụng hoàn toàn dựa trên nguyện vọng của chủ sở hữu doanh nghiệp.

Nếu bạn là người châu Á hiện đang sở hữu doanh nghiệp, muốn khai thác thuộc tính này cho trang doanh nghiệp để người tiêu dùng có thể tìm kiếm trên Yelp, bạn có thể đăng nhập vào tài khoản Yelp for Business của mình và thực hiện các bước sau: 

  1. Đăng nhập vào tài khoản Yelp for Business của bạn (Phần Business Information)
  2. Trong phần Tiện nghi (Amenities), chọn Thêm (Add) hoặc Thay đổi (Edit)
  3. Chọn Có bên cạnh thuộc tính “Sở hữu bởi người châu Á” (Asian-owned)
  4. Chọn Lưu giữ thay đổi (Save Changes)

Tài liệu tham khảo 

Bạn có thể đọc thêm về những ứng dụng có sức ảnh hưởng lớn mà bạn có thể khai phá cho trang doanh nghiệp của mình để kết nối với khách hàng, thu hút kinh doanh, v.v.

The information above is provided for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice and may not be suitable for your circumstances. Unless stated otherwise, references to third-party links, services, or products do not constitute endorsement by Yelp.

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