Money Smart for Older Adults

teacher and class of older adults

The Money Smart for Older Adults Program raises awareness among older adults and their caregivers on how to prevent fraud, scams, and other elder financial exploitation. The curriculum encourages advanced planning and informed financial decision-making. Money Smart for Older Adults was developed jointly by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

The curriculum can be taught in full or by individual topics. The module and topics consist of three-parts, an instructor guide, resource guide, and PowerPoint slides that supplement classroom instruction. The materials are free of charge.


The free instructor-led curriculum covers ten topics:

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The full set of modules are available for download here:

The printed resource guides can be ordered in bulk from the CFPB at:

A separate, stand-alone handout with COVID-19 scams and planning tips is also available.

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