13 Work at Home Courses to Help You Earn Money From Home

Would you like to work from home, but you’re not sure which path to take? Then keep reading for my favorite work at home courses to give your career the boost it needs!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. You don’t need a college degree to have a good-paying home-based career. Even though I have two college degrees, I’m not using any of what I learned in college to make money today.

Everything I’m doing today to earn money from home, I’ve learned along the way. I read books, attended conferences, and took online courses. Not only am I the happiest I’ve ever been in my professional life, but I’m earning more than I ever did as a nurse.

With advances in technology, more jobs can be done from home, and startup costs for launching your own business are little to nothing. Best of all, there are many affordable work at home training courses in a variety of niches that can get you up and running quickly so you can make money online.

If you’re ready to make money from home this year — here are some work at home courses you MUST explore!

1. Break Into Tech: Data Analytics Certificate Course

Charlotte Chaze was working as a research assistant but was tired of the lack of free time and low pay. So, she taught herself data analytics online, applied for jobs, and landed a high-paying ($70,000) job as a data analyst. Today, she teaches others (no experience needed) how to learn these skills and break into the field. 

The Break Into Tech: Data Analytics Certificate Course