Nigerian Entrepreneur, Ifedayo Durosinmi – Etti has just released a new book, ” accessing grants for start ups”.

Ife Durosinmi is a sales and marketing expert with over 10 years of management and leadership experience working in fashion, marketing and manufacturing.

The 2016 Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur, is one of the global shapers operating from Lagos, Nigeria who have been able to identify a market gap and create solutions that address these gaps.

According to Steph Obi,
” It has been so interesting watching her grow, I watched her get grants, I watched her help other people with their applications, I watched her leverage on platforms to get international speaking engagements, and she is doing all of these with two kids.
She recently launched her book, “Accessing grants for startups”, and I can’t wait to get my copy. .
In fact if I tell you how many grants and even platforms that I applied to and they gave me ela, you will understand why I’m looking forward to @ifedurosinmietti new book.
I can’t shout..”.

Congratulations to Ife Durosinmi Etti.

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