€15m allocated to grants for start-ups

Two more calls have been issued for grants to help entrepreneurs maximise their potential with direct investment.

With an indicative allocation of €2 million, Call 2 under the Start-up Investment Grant Scheme is aimed at providing assistance to micro and small enterprises established for less than three years through a grant to part-finance eligible expenditure in their productive investment. This scheme has an allocation of €7 million and eligible enterprises may be assisted by a maximum grant value of €300,000, part-financing up to half of eligible expenditure.

The call under the SME Growth Grant Scheme with an indicative allocation of €2 million will assist SMEs to respond to market demands by part-financing eligible expenditure on productive investment required in the implementation of their growth strategies related to the extension of the capacity of an existing establishment, or the setting up of a new establishment.

This scheme has an allocation of €8 million and eligible enterprises may receive assistance up to a maximum grant value of €500,000 with aid intensity on eligible expenditure of 35% for micro and small enterprises and 25% for medium enterprises.

These Grant Schemes are financed under Operational Programme I Cohesion Policy 2014 – 2020. Both of these calls are competitive calls and applications for project proposals will be received up to noon of Friday, October 20, 2017.

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