From hallucinating to poison ivy, our favorite Ranger School stories

The U.S. Army’s Ranger Course, better known as Ranger School, is one of the best and toughest leadership schools in the military — arguably in the world. Every military branch, including foreign allies, can send troops to Ranger School. 

The grueling course takes Ranger trainees through three phases, from the forests in and around Ft. Moore, Georgia, to the swamps of Florida. Shenanigans are bound to happen when you have people from all over the world and different U.S. military branches together in a tough field environment with little food or sleep. 

But, when Ranger candidates feel like they went ten rounds with Mike Tyson, the average person may wonder how anyone can find humor in that situation. A former Army Ranger, Luke Ryan has been through some hellacious moments in his military career. 

Humor helped him, as it has for many others in the veteran community. 

“There are positive aspects to shared hardships,” Ryan said. “When you inundate your life with things like that, and aspects of it are positive, you’ll laugh at some point despite the type of humor that it is.”

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