Why On-chain Capital Formation Can ‘Disrupt’ Funding for Entrepreneurs | Video

Marlon, why did you found starter labs? Because there were a lot of rugs happening and I wanted investors to find a safe place to find projects. Shayna, in three words, describe your experience in starter labs. Awesome, friendly, productive Marlon. What sector of the industry do you think is showing the most promise as of today? On chain capital formation? Because that can transform uh disrupt the entire funding model for entrepreneurs, Shana. What crypto project are you most excited about? I love the Genesis Go project, which is a new on chain storage uh protocol. And what’s your Crypto Genesis story? 2009, I, I came across Bitcoin. I got more involved in 2011. Fun fact, I was one of the guys behind the scenes promoting the heck out of Bitcoin. I have the emails, the friends and family and I told them it was a billion dollar market cap and they still didn’t listen.

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