WTFund: Nikhil Kamath launches Rs 20 lakh grant for young entrepreneurs | Personal Finance

Focused on nurturing the next generation of changemakers, the WTFund offers non-dilutive grants and a comprehensive support system for promising individuals aged 25 and under.

Nikhil Kamath, Zerodha
Nikhil Kamath, Zerodha

Sunainaa Chadha NEW DELHI

  Marking a significant development for India’s entrepreneurial scene, Zerodha founder Nikhil Kamath on Monday announced the launch of  WTFund. This  pioneering initiative is a non-dilutive grant fund dedicated to nurturing and empowering young, promising entrepreneurs aged 25 and under.

 WTFund includes a non-dilutive grant of Rs 20 Lakh, enabling founders to retain full equity in their ventures.  In the world of startups and venture capital, a non-dilutive grant is a type of funding that provides financial resources to a company without requiring the company to give up any ownership (equity) in exchange. This is different from traditional venture capital funding, where investors typically receive shares in the company in proportion to the amount of money they invest.

Additionally, the fund provides access to operator-first mentorship pods, a vibrant community through the WTF ecosystem, a Go-To-Market (GTM) studio, beta testing, and feedback opportunities, as well as talent acquisition channels through an internship program, a fractional CXO database, and moonlighting opportunities. 

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Comprehensive Support Package:

WTFund offers exceptional support to young entrepreneurs through a multifaceted package.  This includes:

  1. Non-dilutive Grant: A grant of Rs 20 lakh allows founders to retain full ownership of their ventures.
  2. Mentorship: Operator-first mentorship pods provide valuable guidance from experienced individuals.
  3. Community Building: Access to a dynamic and supportive community within the WTF ecosystem fosters collaboration and growth.
  4. Go-To-Market Support: A dedicated GTM studio assists with launching and establishing a strong market presence.
  5. Feedback and Testing: Beta testing and feedback opportunities ensure products and services are market-ready.
  6. Talent Acquisition: WTFund facilitates talent acquisition through internship programs, a fractional CXO database, and moonlighting opportunities.

WTFund stands out by being the first of its kind in India.  It specifically targets individuals with innovative ideas and compelling visions who hold the potential to revolutionize their industries. This initiative goes beyond just financial support; it provides a comprehensive growth platform for emerging founders, creators, and dreamers.  It fosters a vibrant community where young minds can connect, share ideas, and learn from each other.

Selection Process and Openness:

Forty exceptional entrepreneurs aged 25 or younger will be chosen for funding and mentorship over a one-year period.  WTFund seeks the “top 1%” of young entrepreneurs in India.  These individuals will undergo a rigorous selection process and receive personalized support until they secure their first round of institutional funding.  Being the largest grant program of its kind in India, WTFund is open to investing in all sectors.

Originating as a podcast hosted by Nikhil Kamath, WTF has evolved into a platform that promotes disruptive thinking, audacity, and democratised access to opportunities.

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