3 Simple Sales Hacks for Maximizing your Impact + Income

I love sales. It’s a crucial part of business because if you’re not making sales, you’re not making money. You’re also not helping people to the extent that you could be. The ugly truth is if you aren’t making sales, you don’t have a business. What you have instead is a hobby. My goal for you is to help you feel empowered and educated about the sales process and the strategies behind sales so that you can show up in the sales process more confidently, knowing exactly what the heck is going on. This is why I’m sharing my 3 simple sales hacks for maximizing your impact + income in today’s episode. I’m talking about the important ways that you can communicate your value, why you should be investing your time in people who are likely to say YES, and how you can build a blueprint that turns small yesses into big sales.



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