#695 Should We Really Be Imitating Superstar CEOs?

SEGMENT 1 with David Gelles, starting at 0:00: In our society today, we revere many of our most financially successful business leaders with almost religious dedication. Think about all the memorials at Apple stores by consumers when Steve Jobs died… or the respect that Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Richard Branson get. Is this deserved?

SEGMENT 2 with Ivy Walker, starting at 19:00: I always said that if entrepreneurs knew the risks they were taking in starting a business, they never would be doing it. Risk management is something that every small business owner needs to do. Here to simplify it for entrepreneurs and small business owners is Ivy Walker.

SEGMENT 3 with Garrett Baird, starting at 36:15: Bookkeeping and accounting consistently confounds small business owners. How can we make it simpler? Garrett Baird is here to help.

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