#659 How to Become A Powerful Communicator in an Online World

SEGMENT 1 with Jane Hanson: Effective communication has always been the key to being a successful small business owner. But now with most of our communications happening online, have the rules of being a powerful communicator changed? Here to help small business owners become powerful communicators in every medium is long-time TV anchor and communication coach, Jane Hanson.

SEGMENT 2 with Shawn Hill: A lot of small business owners think that the only time you can get a review is after the

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SEGMENT 3 with Andrea Kayne: Now is the time to think about how your company can fit into the personal lives of your employees, not the other way around. The pandemic has caused people to reject “universal truths” and “shoulds” that don’t reflect their values. If your company’s lifestyle doesn’t work for them, they’ll move on. Andrea Kayne is here to help small business retain their team members by re-centering on work-life balance and finding their inspiring why.

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