#678 How Small Businesses Can Survive the Great Resignation

SEGMENT 1 with Adam Lyons, starting at 0:00: The Department of Labor reported that 4.5 million Americans left their jobs in November 2021, breaking the previous record set the month prior. We are currently seeing the highest “quit rates” since the government started keeping track two decades ago. What’s driving this phenomenon? Why are people leaving? Where are they going? Adam Lyons has a solution for how small businesses can survive this Great Resignation: treat employees better.


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SEGMENT 3 with Marc Guss, starting at 35:45: One of the best ways to make things happen for your small business is to get your employees to take ownership. How exactly do you do this? Marc Guss, a talent agent for A-list celebrities and iconic voiceover talent, is here to share his entrepreneurial takeaways that can benefit small businesses in any industry.

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