#605 Can Small Businesses Limit the Talk of Politics in Their Company?


SEGMENT 1 with Bill Flynn: It’s always been true that most businesses fail. Now, even more will fail as a result of COVID-19. Can we take the guesswork out of which small businesses will succeed and which will fail?

SEGMENT 2 with Jaime Lizotte: In case you haven’t noticed, this is a presidential election year. This country is as divided as it ever has been and it’s no surprise that this divisiveness is spreading into businesses and virtual offices. What rules should be in place around

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SEGMENT 3 with Steve Vamos: In March of this year, the game changed for all small business owners. With the outbreak of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns across the US, we discuss the new tools and resources that small business owners need to be successful.

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3 years ago

#cloud, #cloud_apps, #covid-19, #leadership, #politics, #politics_at_work, #small_business, #success, #tools

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