Segment 1: Mo Bunnell is author of THE SNOWBALL SYSTEM: How to Win More Business and Turn Clients into Raving Fans. Over the course of his career, he’s worked in nearly every area of business development and used this knowledge and experience to build the GrowBIG business development system, resulting from years of testing and peer reviewed research into why people buy and what makes the buying process happen faster, in greater volume, and with more enjoyment. BIG has now certified over 100
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professionals as licensed GrowBIG trainers who have trained tens of thousands of professionals around the world, from individuals to Fortune 500 companies, including Aetna, American Express, and Sotheby’s.
Segment 2: Monica Lewis is the head of product for LinkedIn Jobs, which provides technology for companies, big and small, to find and hire winning teams. In her current role, Monica leads several teams working to bring AI and human-centered design to help small businesses hire more efficiently, and effectively.
Segment 3: Daniel Lemin is the co-founder of Selectivor, a food intelligence platform that helps people stay healthy through personalized eating. A former communications leader at Google, he is the author of the online reputation guide Manipurated (Ma-nip-YOU-rated). He has been featured in The New York Times, USA Today, CBS Radio, and Fox News, and speaks in front of audiences worldwide.
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