#559 How to Succeed at Being Different in a World that’s More Comfortable Being the Same

SEGMENT 1: What is our culture telling us about the path to success? Are we going backward where there is now even more pressure to conform if we want to succeed? Sunny Bonnell, award winning CEO of one of the top branding agencies in the country, shares how she felt pressure to conform, but ultimately found success staying true to her rebellious and weird self.

SEGMENT 2: With so many small business owners trying to keep their overhead down, they have a tendency to hire independent

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SEGMENT 3: Somewhere along the way we learn that we should strive to be overachievers in some aspect of our lives. Unfortunately, it does not guarantee success or happiness, so is it a trap? Here to help is Keren Eldad, a certified coach of superstars and keynote speaker, famed for her work with overachievers.

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