#334 Entrepreneurs, Women-Owned Businesses, Government Contract Work, Mortgages

Segment 1: John Frazieris a former small business lender who helped foster the U.S. Micro Lending Program and former chairman of a public tech company, who has worked on advocating entrepreneurship and innovation on a global level for over 20 years. His popular NBC News Talk Radio Show–BizBuzz Florida–was a game changer, hailed as “a mentoring program on steroids.” John is working on the launch of a new entrepreneur TV talk show–BizBuzz America–to debut later this year. 

Segment 2: Julie Weeks is the American Express OPEN Research Advisor and President and CEO of Womenable, a for-profit social enterprise that works to enable women’s entrepreneurship worldwide by improving the laws, policies and programs that support women’s enterprise creation and growth.

Segment 3: Julie Weeks continued…

Segment 4: How to Get Unstuck

Segment 5: Michael Slavin has over 13 years of experience in private capital markets including real estate development, real estate debt investment, and private equity. In 2011, he founded Privlo with the goal of redefining the mortgage industry by building a company that lends the “right” way.

Sponsored by Sage and Nextiva.

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